Free Windscribe VPN with 30 GB Bandwidth Giveaway

Free Windscribe VPN with 30 GB Bandwidth Giveaway

Windscribe VPN is a new and creative two-in-one privacy solution that allows you to experience the internet as it should be free from prying eyes and restrictions.

About Windscribe VPN: This Virtual Private Network (VPN) secures all your online activities by encrypting your data and assigning you a shared IP address, making it easier to blend into the digital crowd.

You can virtually travel to any location (by selecting from various virtual servers), surf the web freely, use email, Skype, and download files without the worry of being tracked, targeted, or identified.

With many VPN options available, Windscribe stands out as our favorite. It offers free users a generous 10 GB of monthly data, unlimited connections, and access to servers in over 100 countries, including the US.

Key Features: Encrypts your browsing activity and never leaks your DNS Stops tracking and lets you take back control of your privacy. Masks your IP address and unblocks geo-restricted content. Prevent hackers from stealing your data while you use public Wi-Fi.

Free for 1 Year:

The free version of this VPN offers 2 GB bandwidth per month ( upon email verification you get 10GB) but to get more (30 GB) bandwidth, follow the below steps.

First, visit the Windscribe giveaway page

Fill in the minor form by entering a username, password, and email address, and click the ‘Have a Voucher?’ button.

Copy and paste one of the below voucher codes.

Update new code: GUARIMBA

Voucher code 1: GUARIMBA

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